Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Does happily ever after really exist?

Sitting here thinking about how most couples i know (that have been together a long time) aren't really happy, has left me wondering: are all relationships doomed from the very beginning? Don't get me wrong, i know many marriages that seem to have withstood the test of time. However, they all seem to be couples from an older generation. People just didn't seem to get divorced then like they do today.

Why does it seem to be so hard for our generation to stay committed to another person? Why is it that we seem to think relationships are so expendable?

Pondering all of this has left me wondering what will happen with my own relationship. Do J and i stand a chance of making this work or are we headed for the same fate of entirely too many couples these days? Am i going to end up with a broken heart; having lost not only my boyfriend, but his friendship as well...